Saturday, June 6

A few housekeeping items

I know things have been a little uneven here lately. My work got a big shake-up in the form of Digg nixing shouts. Completely. That means I've spent the last two weeks a) tracking down as many people from Digg as possible on Twitter and b) tweeting my ever-lovin' brains out trying to replicate the same sorts of results with the new system that I got via Digg.

While results have been mixed, the one constant has been an omnipresent near-headache. Ya know the kind? Where your brain is threatening to implode just to get away from the sheer barrage of (typed) noise on your computer screen?

It's not even exactly a headache or near-headache so much as a feeling of being both overwhelmed -- by the amount of info entering my cranium (via my eyeballs) to fill my brain up far beyond capacity -- and yet leaving the computer with almost no new or useful information. Ah, technology!

Cynical rantings aside, I am starting to get my feet back under me. So things should get more or less back on track. But a new wrinkle has also appeared in the form of a weight loss challenge I'm doing thanks to Man vs. Debt. We are divided into teams and have 61 days to reach our target goals. I settled on a very reasonable 10 pounds. So I've been taking walks, being careful about what I eat, etc. (So far, already lost 1 pound thankyouverymuch.)

Despite all these distractions, I'm happy to say that readership is still growing in fits and starts. It will hopefully get better once I get back on the carnival track again. But I seem to be well on track to meet my goal of 300 readers by my blog-o-versary in late July. I'm considering increasing it to 400, actually. But first I need to get back into the swing of things.

On that note, I am getting prepared to move to my own domain. By which I mean, I suppose, getting prepared to get prepared. I've talked to Mrs. Micah a bit to get a ballpark figure or two on how much everything would cost. She is recommending Thesis, so that will add some to the total, but it is a very simple, elegant and easily-manipulated-by-non-techies-like-me design. So while I am checking out other themes, I do keep coming back to Thesis. So I'm slowly putting away some money.

My main concern right now is my header. I've asked a few different bloggers where they got their header art done. No reply. Sigh. So if anyone knows someone who does header art, I would dearly love his or her contact info. I know what I want. Just not who to talk to.

Finally, and perhaps most important to your own frugal needs: SWAGBUCKS!

Got your attention, have I? Swell! On Monday, I'll be announcing some cool promos that the Swagbucks folks have cooked up, along with a special registration code that will net you extra if you're late to the Swagbucks game.

That's about all I can say for now. But I wanted to give you a heads up to look for Monday's post.


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