Wednesday, October 29

Tag, you're it!

I was tagged by Danielle over at "The Happy Wife"

Danielle is a homeschooling mom of 4 who does some cool themes like "Money Monday" or "Try it Tuesday." So definitely go over and check her out. (She also studied nutrition, so I am going to keep an eye on any recipes she mentions!)

And now for the rules:

1. To link the tagger and provide the rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 facts about yourself.

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving names as well as links to their blogs.

4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.

So facts about me

This could be hard, as I always blab so much about things anyway.

1. Well, currently, I'm sitting in front of a SAD light and it makes an almost instant difference. (Also, I found out that it's not just 15 minutes at a time. You start there and work up to longer periods, as much as 2 hours in some cases.)

2. I have a cat, Sandy, who is adorable but completely insane. She's irrationally terrified of Tim and pretty much all other men. Sometimes, she's afraid of me, if I make a sudden move. Also, for a cat, she falls a lot. She has gotten so used for flopping over for belly rubs that she'll do it, whether she's on the edge of the couch, a lap, the desk or actually safely on the floor. And the other day, she was perched with her front paws on the arm of my chair and her back paws on the desk. Then I heard a scrabbling sound and she disappeared from view. When I looked down, she was sitting on the floor, vaguely dazed.

3. I wrote for the Anchorage Daily News when I was 15. There was a competition to get one of 4 slots for a monthly column. I entered under a pseudonym, since both my parents worked there. And I stayed on after the 6 months. I wrote for about a year and a half, until I was too busy.

4. I'm an only child. So sibling rivalry completely bewilders me.

5. I bite my nails.

6. I mostly stick to eating just poultry. With dorm food, I ended up avoiding red meat so much, I lost the taste for it. And I was never much for seafood or pork. It makes me a real pain to prepare meals for.

7. I really dislike having to list things about myself as I always draw a complete blank.

As for blogs that I will tag:

1. Brunette on a Budget: Crystal is a newlywed living in DC. She has good explanations about some of the more complicated finance stuff, which I appreciate, since I grew up in a family that didn't even deal with CDs or anything. I also love it when she does her fashion spotlights. While she certainly has a taste for the finer things, she's also got a great eye for affordable fashion, and will often suggest stylish outfits from affordable stores (Target, Forever 21, Old Navy, etc). Finally, her posts tend to have a humorous voice that tickles my funny bone. And I respect anyone who can make me giggle (on purpose).

2. The Freebie Blogger: I'm not generally big on freebie blogs, honestly. There's usually not much for me. But I love Wendi's site! Why? Well, first and foremost, I am amazed by her dedication! She keeps it up to date EVERY DAY and always with several items. She knows about great freebies going on, in addition to tipping you off about coupons and weekly specials at stores. Finally, she has great giveaways. In the last two months, she's already given away two year-long subscriptions to All You magazine, which apparently has great coupons etc. And right now she's holding a giveaway for a $50 Barnes & Noble gift card! Wendi is amazing because she updates this site EVERY DAY.

3. The Adventures of Spondy Girl. This is a blog about life and, often, about life with a disability. She's matter of fact about things, but still it's interesting. I wish I could explain exactly what it is about this blog, other than the overall tone and writing style, that I like so much. But it's just very engaging. Go see for yourself!

4. Simpson's Paradox: This is a strange, but great little blog. It's usually just a few lines, sometimes reporting a life event, other times just musing. But it's a wonderful addition to my inbox, that's for sure! My favorite so far:

Last night while Stick was playing the new evolution game Spore, he announced excitedly “Meg! I’ve become sentient!”

Let the record state that I made no response.

5. Thrifty Jinxy: Not only does Thrifty Jinxy provide freebie info, she also has good features like "Thrifty Thursday" and "Works for me Wednesday." Like Wendi, she astounds me with her ability to keep so on top of posting. Be sure to check her out -- especially her giveaway this week of a $10 Starbucks card!

6. Lifestyles of the Organized: This is a cool little blog that I found. I'm a big fan of organization (though you wouldn't know it to look at my apartment right now) since I think it's an important part of frugality. Plus I just like the idea that one day, I might actually get organized. It's comforting, if illusory.

7. Pushing 30: My debt deadline: This blog is just about a gal who is dealing with living frugally. She just got through more than two weeks without using credit at all. G

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Blogger Pushing30 said...

Very cute. I like your facts! Every time I read your stuff I realize how much we have in common. I've been putting off buying one of those lights for years...but the more I hear about them the more I think they really are effective.

It's going to take me some time to figure out what to write but thanks so much for the tag!

October 30, 2008 at 8:46 PM

Blogger Crystal said...

Thanks for the shoutout Abby!! I tagged you back, love your posts. :)

October 30, 2008 at 9:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks again for the 'tag'! I've gotten some new readers from you and I really appreciate it! I think I will probably do my tagging this weekend since I'll have a little more time, so stay tuned! :)

October 31, 2008 at 11:10 AM


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